Legal status
Please specify the type of material which is not listed
According to the EC Waste Framework Directive
Material - unclear
For any additional information please contact: RIS-ALiCE project, email:, phone: 00386 1 2809 752
Please specify the type of material which is not listed
According to the EC Waste Framework Directive
WGS 84 coordinates in decimal form
WGS 84 coordinates in decimal form
Potentially toxic elements, metals and metalloids (please write them with symbols) with corresponding elemental levels.
Please describe homogeneity of the material including particle size distribution, chemical variability and variations in production etc.
(10% of a particle smaller than D10)
(50% of a particle smaller than D50)
(90% of a particle smaller than D90)
i.e. safety data sheet, technical specifications, waste assessment reports, etc.
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